Asian Community
Asian Canadians experience unique issues and can be subjected to racism and hate-fueled violence. There are mental health supports, hate crime report sites, educational sources of Asian Canadian history, and links to support the Asian culture and community.
A Growing Resource List in Support of the AAPI Community
Resources, donation links, and reading recommendations can be found here.
Act 2 End Racism works to bring an end to anti-Asian racism, particularly those acts triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic. They provide anti-racism resources and tools for the general public, monitor hate incidents/hate crimes through a national registry, and advocate for awareness.
This site has a number of links regarding Anti-Asian Racism.
Resources have been gathered to help individuals educate others, take action, donate, and more.
Asian Canadian Therapist Directory
The Asian Canadian Therapist Directory connects those who have experienced anti-Asian racism, hate, trauma or anything else, with a BIPOC therapist in Canada.
They work to tackle the pervasive cultural stigma around mental health; each Wednesday, AMHP hosts a community virtual check-in to “unpack” and sometimes learn from mental health professionals.
ASSIST Community Services Centre
ASSIST is a multicultural agency, helping provide a platform in where volunteers help to provide services & programs to help the community and meet their needs. This is done through language learning for newcomer programs, weekly drop in activities for senior, programs for children & youth, Etc.
Black and Asian Feminist Solidarities
As a collaboration between Black Women Radicals and the Asian American Feminist Collective, this project looks to Black and Asian American feminist histories, practices, and frameworks on care, community, and survival for the tools and strategies to continue to build towards collective liberation.
They offer a directory of mental health care professionals of colour and a newsletter of resources curated by a first-gen Indian American therapist-in-training for all children of immigrants to discuss mental health and wellness.
Chinese Canadian Leadership Initiatives & Programs
This foundation helps build a capacity of Chinese Canadian leaders, facilitating programs and leadership conferences across the country. The aim is to create a more equitable society in Canada, identify and break down systemic barriers.
Chinese Canadian National Council
The Chinese Canadian National Council for Social Justice, known in the Chinese-Canadian community as Equal Rights Council, is an organization whose purpose is to monitor racial discrimination in Canada and to help young Chinese Canadians learn about their cultural history.
The Centre supports and facilitates research collaboration, networking and building the community of Asia-related scholars across campus and internationally. The Centre furthers the involvement of students in educating and researching the Asia-Pacific region.
Language is a barrier to reporting hate crimes. For those who are not fluent in English, calling the police is intimidating and discourages individuals from contacting the police in the first place. They provide a way to report hate crimes online in English and in multiple languages.
Guide to Hate & Discrimination
FACL's guide provides victims and witnesses of hate with a brief overview of what hate activity and discrimination mean and the resources available to help in responding. This is available in multiple Asian languages.
This is a youth empowerment non-profit that is focused on working with racial equity, civic engagement issues and connecting cultural heritage, and social change.
Project 1907 Project 1907 aims to elevate Asian voices that are underrepresented and undervalued in mainstream political, social and cultural discourse.
Resources for non-Black Asians on Anti-Blackness
Academic literature, videos, online blogs, opinion articles, and some Tumblr posts are included here.
This is the largest South Asian mental health community in the world. Their directory has hundreds of South Asian therapists, including therapists of Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Sri Lankan, Afghani and Nepali heritage.
A coalition that tracks and responds to incidents of hate, violence, discrimination against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the US. Their mission is to advance equity, justice and power by dismantling systemic racism and build a multi-racial movement to end AAPI hate.
The Asian Heritage Society of New Brunswick
This organization is committed to fostering intercultural exchange amd understanding within the communities of Asian Canadians and provinces as a whole.
This toolkit was created by the CCNC-SJ to provide a step-by-step guide in responding to anti-Asian racism. It encourages victims and allies/bystanders to stay calm, speak out, and build resilience.
Winnipeg Chinese Cultural & Community Centre
This centre was established from the needs of Chinese Canadians wanting a facility in where they can have a community to be with. Their mission is to promote awareness, knowledge, appreciation of the Chinese culture.
Read, Watch, & Learn
Book: The book is about the realities of a young Asian American woman working in the tech world and how she comes to term with adulthood. It navigates through the paths of society stereotyping her identity and value, as she tries to works through how she wants to be perceived with her truth.
Movie: The movie itself was based off of the book, but it was the first film that was made by a Hollywood studio to star an all-Asian American cast. The film talks about the stories of Chinese & American cultures, and the struggles of growing up while trying to establish one's own identity.
Book: The memoir is about Ji-li's childhood, and what she went through during the 1960's Cultural Revolution in China. It paints a clear picture of how political movements affects many's lives, and the exact impact it had on her & her family.
Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes (Book)
Book: A true story, Eleanor Coerr was born in Saskatchewan and as a reporter came across Sadako's story of her bravery through her battle with cancer, & the determination to fold one thousand paper cranes. This story conveys a biography-like journey, of how hope, strength, and the power of perseverance can really allow for some of the best moments in life regardless of the circumstances.
Power in Numbers
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