Disability & Neurodivergent Community
Disabilities include physical, sensory, intellectual, or psychosocial impairments. Neurodivergent refers to an individual who has less typical cognitive variables such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, etc. A disability lens is essential for social justice work.
Ability First Ottawa is a charity organization that provides comprehensive services and support to individuals with development and non-developmental disabilities and their families. AFO’s mission is to assist persons with disabilities, and their families, reach their social, educational and employment goals by offering resource infrastructure and skills development in coordination with their supporting community.
The only organization in Ottawa that supports people of all ages, across the disability spectrum, and their families too
Ableism: Types, Examples, Impact, and Anti-ableism
Ableism defined and the impact of viewing the world through an ableism lens is discussed, Examples are given.
As its name suggests, this non-profit organization aims to provide affordable and accessible housing to individuals with physical disabilities and/or limited mobility
Annex: Understanding Disabilities - Canada.ca
Approximately 6.2 million people in Canada have a disability. Understanding different types of disabilities and the barriers that persons with disabilities encounter is important for business and community organizations. This site defines disabilities and outlines the rules that apply to public places.
This organization works to raise autism awareness around the nation. Through social media, they educate people across Canada about autism, and also provide resources for individuals with autism and their families.
Be My Eyes is a free mobile app with one main goal: to make the world more accessible for blind and low-vision people. The app connects blind and low-vision individuals with sighted volunteers and companies from all over the world through a live video call.
Best Buddies works to promote inclusion and acceptance between people with and without intellectual disabilities.
The Black Accessibility Knowledge (BLAcK) Hub
The Black Accessibility Knowledge (BLAcK) Hub is a confidential, fully accessible, and free resource for Black people with disabilities of all ages, their families, caregivers and support networks. Black people with disabilities informed and designed the Hub to bridge the structural gaps and address systemic barriers in accessing Black-focused disability resources, services, and knowledge at the intersection of Blackness, disability and gender.
Calgary Society for Persons with Disabilites (CSPD)
The CSPD supports those with developmental disabilities. CSPD has many long-term clients who came to them as young adults, and they are committed to ensuring support services are in place as clients age. Several years ago, CSPD purchased a home that was renovated to accommodate long-term individuals who require overall accessibility.
Canadian Disability Participation Project
The CDPP is an alliance of university, public, private and government sector partners working together to enhance community participation among Canadians with physical disabilities.
Centre for Autism Students Association
CFASA is a student group based out of the University of Alberta and affiliated with the Centre for Autism Services Alberta. They are committed to educating the community about autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in hopes of destigmatizing neurodivergence.
CMHA is an organization that provides services and support to people recovering from mental illness. It also works to advocate for and educate the general public about mental health, suicide prevention, and a variety of other social issues.
Coalition of Persons with Disabilities: Newfoundland and Labrador (CODNL)
The CODNL is a charitable, non-for-profit organization established by persons with disabilities who believed that a provincial organization is necessary to advance inclusion of persons with disabilities. The Coalition’s purpose is to educate all people, influence regulations, laws, and actions at all levels of government, and involve members and all persons with disabilities in influencing change. The Coalition’s main role is to provide information, education, training, and promote awareness of concerns to disability.
Connect Society - Deafness Education, Advocacy and Family Services
A nonprofit community agency providing individuals and families of deaf and hard of hearing people with resources to help them fully participate within families, relationships and the community.
Different Brains strives to encourage understanding & acceptance of individuals who have variations in brain function and social behaviors known as neurodiversity. Their mission has 3 pillars: To mentor neurodiverse adults in maximizing their potential for employment and independence, to increase awareness of neurodiversity by producing interactive media, and to foster the next generation of neurodivergent self-advocates. They have many programs available for youth to get involved in the community.
Disability Related Employment Supports
They provide supports to help people with disabilities succeed in school and find rewarding careers.
This online project amplifies stories of disabilities.
This publication provides an understanding of the duty to accommodate and includes information that will allow readers to develop effective policies and procedures related to accommodation.
They provide skill development, education, and employment services to adults and youth with medical conditions, mental health challenges, permanent injuries, disabilities, and employment barriers.
They are a non-profit charitable organization, supporting people with intellectual and other disabilities and their families, across their life time. They help to allow individuals to live meaningful lives and to be active in all aspects of community life. This includes service areas such as literacy classes and community programs, respite services, employment services, skills training and support employment, Etc.
Their mission is to promote meaningful inclusion for people with intellectual disabilities and their families into all aspects of community life by providing advocacy, public awareness and education, community capacity development, and program support.
This is an educational project focused on “unseen” disabilities.
LDAY (the Learning Disabilities Association of Yukon) Centre for Learning is a non-profit organization dedicated to increasing awareness of learning differences, and supporting children, youth and adults with learning difficulties or disabilities. LDAY provides leadership through advocacy, education, programs and services. At LDAY, our decision making, actions and relationships are guided by four core values: Respect, Empowerment, Innovation, Integrity
Learning Disabilities Association of New Brunswick
The Learning Disabilities Association of New Brunswick (LDANB) is a charitable organization founded in 1970. The mission is to promote the understanding and acceptance of the ability of persons with learning disabilities to lead meaningful and successful lives.
Access Pro Bono is a small independent organization that operates a free lawyer referral service and several pro bono programs serving the critical legal needs of people and non-profit organizations across BC.
Manitoba Possible's goal is to work together to eliminate barriers to full and equal participation through a variety of programs and services for people with disabilities.
Montreal Association for the Intellectually Handicapped (MAIH - AMDI)
The Association was founded by a small group of parents wanting better lives for their intellectually disabled children. At a time when the intellectually disabled were routinely institutionalized, these parents fought against the prevailing public opinion of the period, determined to try to provide a normal life for their children. Over the years the MAIH started many new services for the intellectually disabled, including the first schools, workshops, camps and residences. To achieve their mission they seek to empower their members and foster their resourcefulness as individuals and as a group
NEADS is an organization that aims to ensure inclusion and full participation for people with disabilities. The organization does this through advocating for programs and services, as well as promoting community awareness to ensure that the needs and experiences of those who live with disabilities are visible.
Neurodivergent & Neurodiversity: Meanings & Examples
Learn about the different types of neurodivergence including autism, ADHD, Tourette’s, dyslexia and a range of other neurodiverse conditions.
This is a “Know Your Rights” toolkit for people facing potential triage discrimination based on size or disability during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ontario, Canada.
Eileen Davidson advocates on behalf of people suffering from invisible disabilities — which include rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, bipolar disorder, autism, fibromyalgia, epilepsy and others.
Pro Bono Law Alberta (PBLA) is a nonprofit charitable organization that promotes access to justice in Alberta by creating and promoting opportunities for lawyers to provide pro bono (free) legal services to persons of limited means.
Racial Equity Tools is designed to support individuals and groups working to achieve racial equity. It offers tools, research, tips, curricula, and ideas for people who want to increase their understanding and to help those working for racial justice at every level – in systems, organizations, communities, and the culture at large.
Respecting Invisible Disabilities Is Everyone's Job
Invisible disabilities are defined and are more common than you think. Ideas on how to overcome prejudice and the importance of respecting these disabilities are discussed.
Provides links and information about the financial, community and social services support programs available to those in Nunavut as well as how to get in touch with local members of the territorial government for region-specific inquiries below.
Voices of Albertans with Disabilities
The Voice of Albertans with Disabilities actively promotes full participation in society and provides a voice for Albertans with disabilities.
This is a documentary series that confronts prejudices and breaks down taboos in our society in an authentic and relatable way.
Power in Numbers
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