Enviromental Justice
Environmental justice, according to the US Environmental Protection Agency, refers to the fair treatment and involvement of everyone towards the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies.
350 Canada is part of the international movement to end the age of fossil fuels. In Canada, they push for elected leaders to take real climate leadership by freezing the tar sands expansion and investing in a made-in-Canada Green New Deal.
The organization connects Albertans and environmental groups that are dedicated to preserving and protecting Alberta's environment. They facilitate dialogue between environmental groups, government and other stakeholders.
Building an Indigenous Response to Environmental Violence
The violence on the Land, violence on our bodies initiative report and toolkit centers the experiences and resistance efforts of Indigenous. women and young people in order to expose and curtail the impacts of extractive industries on their communities and lands.
Canadian Environmental Network
The RCEN is an independent, non-partisan organization whose primary role is to support environmental NGOs (ENGO) by providing them with valuable networking and communication services.
Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society - Yukon Chapter
Based in Whitehorse, government, local organizations, businesses and citizens to ensure the natural wealth we enjoy today is available for our children tomorrow.
Clean Foundation promotes green solutions for today – and supports the environmental leaders of tomorrow. They are a Nova Scotia-based.
Climate Action Network is a coalition of more than 100 organizations across the country that brings labor, development, faith-based, and Indigenous groups together to combat climate change.
Climate Change Impacts in Manitoba
In March 2007, IISD’s President and CEO, David Runnalls, produced a series on four aspects of climate change for the Winnipeg Free Press. The four editorials are collected together in this document. The editorials explore the current state of farming in Manitoba, the drastic changes in climate expected for Manitobans living in the North, the negative impacts of climate change on Lake Winnipeg, and the ways that major cities should prepare for the forthcoming extreme weather patterns.
Degrowth is an idea that critiques the global capitalist system which pursues growth at all costs, causing human exploitation and environmental destruction.
Ecojustice goes to court and uses the power of the law to defend nature, combat climate change, and fight for a healthy environment for all.
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Environment and Climate Change Canada informs Canadians about protecting and conserving our natural heritage, and ensuring a clean, safe and sustainable environment for present and future generations.
Join more than 250,000 Canadians who are working together to ensure a climate safe, toxic-free, healthy environment.
The Environmental Youth Alliance is a registered charity supporting BIPOC youth to connect with nature, community, and skills to become environmental stewards and community leaders.
#FridaysForFuture is a youth-led and -organized movement that began in August 2018, after 15-year-old Greta Thunberg and other young activists sat in front of the Swedish parliament every school day for three weeks, to protest against the lack of action on the climate crisis.
In 2015, world leaders agreed to 17 Global Goals (officially known as the Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs). These goals have the power to create a better world by 2030, by ending poverty, fighting inequality and addressing the urgency of climate change.
How Social Justice and Environmental Justice Are Intrinsically Interconnected
Learn about how environmental rights are the intersection between human rights and environmental protection.
Manitoba's Climate Action Team
Manitoba’s Climate Action Team (CAT) is a coalition of environmental organizations in Manitoba working together to envision, investigate, and promote a road to climate resilience. Member groups came together to review and consult with the public about the Province’s recently released Climate and Green Plan. CAT was formed one short year later when the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) Report was released, stating how fast we need to drastically cut greenhouse gas emissions in order to prevent irreversible outcomes. This drove home the need for an intentional, collaborative, and grassroots effort to push toward the future that we want.
Manitoba Environmental Youth Network
They are a group of young students from Winnipeg that believe climate change is a war we must all fight.
This organization works with other organizations to advance waste prevention and the circular economy in Canada.
Nature Quebec actively works to conserve natural ecosystems and to encourage the sustainable use of resources in Quebec. They lead campaigns and projects concerning biodiversity, forests, energy and climate, from Anticosti Island to the heart of our cities.
Northern Council for Global Cooperation
NCGC directly engages and collaborates with northern Canadians for global equality, justice and sustainability. They do this by providing educational opportunities on global issues such as poverty, health, equality and human rights, and encouraging individuals to take meaningful action.
Raven Trust raises legal defence funds to assist Indigenous Peoples who enforce their rights and title to protect their traditional territories.
Saskatchewan Environmental Society
The Saskatchewan Environmental Society has been the organization working on environmental issues in the province for more than 50 years.
"Seeds are existing initiatives which hold potential to shape the future. They can be social initiatives, new technologies, economic tools, or social-ecological projects". These initiatives provide an optimistic view of the future and how your actions today can make a positive impact.
The Social Justice Co-operative are building a grassroots movement centred on creating caring communities and fostering friendships between activists based on caring for each other. This includes working towards a sustainable future such as building the coalition for a green new deal, combating climate crisis, the challenging of the car movement, and promoting food sovereignty, poverty elimination, zero waste.
Sustainabiliteens is a movement of young people across Metro Vancouver—united by the urgency to stop climate catastrophe and by a shared vision to exercise agency, and create a more just and sustainable world.
The mission of the Enrich Project is to examine and address the social, environmental, political, and health effects of environmental racism and climate change in Indigenous, Black, and other marginalized communities across Canada through community-based research, publications, multi-disciplinary and multi-sectoral partnerships, Etc.
West Coast Environmental Law is transforming environmental decision-making and strengthening legal protection for the environment through collaborative legal strategies that bridge Indigenous and Canadian law.
What Is Environmental Justice? | ClientEarth
Climate change, pollution and a host of other environmental risks disproportionately affect communities of colour and low-income communities. The environmental justice movement began to gain ground in the early 1980s. This site talks about how we can work towards economic justice.
What is Greenwashing? (Article)
This article is for business owners who want to ensure sustainability claims in their marketing materials have genuine merit. It has tips to avoid greenwashing.
What Is Greenwashing? How It Works, Examples, and Statistics
"Greenwashing involves making an unsubstantiated claim to deceive consumers into believing that a company's products are environmentally friendly or have a greater positive environmental impact than is true."
What is the Kyoto Protocol? | UNFCCC
This United Nations Climate Change site discusses The Kyoto Protocol which addresses the reduction of greenhouse gasses (GHG) emissions.
The World's Largest Lesson promotes use of the Sustainable Development Goals in learning so that children can contribute to a better future for all.
Zero Waste is a set of principles focused on waste prevention that encourages the redesign of resource life cycles so that all products are reused. The goal is for no trash to be sent to landfills, incinerators or the ocean.
Zero Waste Canada (ZWC) is a non-profit grassroots organization, dedicated to ending our age of wastefulness through improved industrial design & education for the 21 century.
Zero Waste International Alliance
The Zero Waste International Alliance is the internationally recognized online source for Zero Waste standards, policies and best practices for communities and businesses.
Read, Watch, & Learn
Decolonizing Climate Justice – with Khelsilem (Podcast)
“Squamish Nation Councilor and community leader Khelillem joins Am Johal on this first episode of Below the Radar's Climate Justice & Inequality series. In this episode, they discuss the climate crisis as a result of the colonial project, how climate change hits hardest for those already' at a disadvantage, and the spaces where colonialism has existed within climate movements.”
Environmental Racism (Video)
This video talks about environmental racism, which delves into how environmental hazards disproportionately affect minority groups, such as people of colour and low-income communities. It also addresses the common health concerns brought by this and highlights the prevalence of this inequality around the world.
Test your Climate Change IQ – Knowledge Sharing Platform
You can test your climate change IQ. At the end of the quiz, there are sites inclided to help you learn more.
Why Climate Change is Anti-Justice (Video)
This short video shows the correlation between climate change and social justice. It then brings forth the concept of environmental justice – bridging the gaps that demonstrate that perpetuate the disparities within marginalized communities. They outline how minority communities experience more of the impacts of climate change than other groups.
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