Justice System
Resources target those who have been wrongfully charged, or are subject to discrimination or police violence. There is also help for people who find their way through challenging life circumstances or poor choices. Some are specific to the Canadian justice system.
This link has a comprehensive resource list of books, articles, reports, and stories to learn more about human rights, poverty, racism and the criminal justice system.
Amnesty International is a global movement of more than 10 million people who take injustice personally. They are campaigning for a world where human rights are enjoyed by all.
Anti-Black Racism in Canada’s Criminal Justice System Fact Sheet
Canada Civil Liberties Association provides a 8-page fact sheet as a educational resource on the anti-racism in Canada's criminal justice system. From policing to sentencing in prisons, this document provides the academic facts on racial disparities and discrimination in the CCJS, as well as, resources for further reading.
A class action lawsuit has been filed in the Federal Court of Canada on behalf of Black Canadians. The lawsuit is seeking long-term solutions to permanently address systemic racism and discrimination in the Public Service of Canada.
Calgary Youth Justice helps young people find their way through challenging life circumstances and sometimes poor choices that can hold them back from reaching their full potential.
This is a government site with information on Canada's system of justice.
Chatham House has three main goals: protect the planet and reduce inequalities, promote the rule of law over the rule of force, and hold governments accountable.
EFry is an unique agency that specializes in helping women affected by systemic issues in the justice system.
International Court of Justice (ICJ)
(ICJ) is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations (UN).The Court’s role is to settle, in accordance with international law, legal disputes submitted to it by States and to give advisory opinions on legal questions referred to it by authorized United Nations organs and specialized agencies.
International Justice-Human Rights Watch
Human Rights Watch considers international justice accountability through fair trails for genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity - to be an essential element of building respect for human rights
JusticeNet is a not-for-profit service helping people in need of legal expertise, whose income is too high to access legal aid and too low to afford standard legal fees.
Links Community Legal Education
CLEA is a charitable organization that provides legal information. Legal knowledge is necessary for full and equal participation in our society. CLEA develops programs and resources especially to work with communities where there are understood needs. These services help individuals better understand our legal system and how to resolve their legal issues.
The MacArthur Foundation works toward advancing global climate solutions, decreasing nuclear risk, promoting local justice reform in the U.S., and reducing corruption in Africa’s most populous country, Nigeria.
Police Brutality in Canada: A Symptom of Structural Racism and Colonial Violence
This comprehensive article details the ways Canada's justice system is guided by structural racism and colonial violence. Krista Stelkia provides an account of structural racism, as well as its' impacts on the justice system and potential solutions. One of the most damning pieces of evidence states that, "despite Indigenous peoples only being 4.1% of the population in Canada, they represent one-third of provincial and federal correctional services admissions."
Prisoners’ Legal Services is the only clinic in Canada that provides all prison-related legal aid (other than appeals) in its jurisdiction. They assist with issues that affect people’s liberty rights under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, such as solitary confinement, involuntary transfers, parole suspensions, disciplinary hearings and more. They also assist people in prison with human rights and health care issues to be free from discrimination.
They help LGBTQI+ people escape state-sponsored violence.
REACH partners with organizations, businesses, community groups, and individual Edmontonians. They work to initiate or support innovative and effective programs that promote crime prevention.
The John Howard Society of Canada
The John Howard Society of Canada works towards to goal of crime reduction and reduced victimization by providing public education, community service, and reform advocacy in the criminal justice area. Depending on the region, available services include transitional housing, employment, and reintegration.
The Myth of Ownership, (Liam Murphy, Thomas Nagel, Book)
The authors analyse issues about individual liberty, interpersonal obligation, and both collective and personal responsibility, asking the reader to reconsider how our tax policy shapes our system of property rights.
Journal Article: Officers explained that the criminal justice system is one component of a wider network of systems that collectively fail to meet the needs of people who use drugs.
Victim Link BC is a toll-free, confidential, multilingual service available across B.C. and the Yukon 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and can be accessed by calling or texting 1-800-563-0808 or sending an email to VictimLinkBC@bc211.ca. It provides information and referral services to all victims of crime and immediate crisis support to victims of family and sexual violence, including victims of human trafficking exploited for labour or sexual services.
Youth Research and Evaluation Exchange
They create and curate evidence-based resources to support youth work practice, and to amplify the voices and experiences of young people in Ontario.
Youth Restorative Action Project
YRAP strives to bring about positive outcomes for those affected by criminal activity. YRAP aims to create meaningful consequences that are educational and rehabilitative rather than punitive.
Read, Watch, & Learn
One Case at a Time, (Cass Sunstein, Book)
The author shows how the Supreme Court of the USA decides highly controversial matters such as the right to die, abortion, affirmative action, pornography and free speech, homosexuality and sex discrimination.
Police Brutality in Calgary: Who Holds Officers Accountable? Documentary
"Canadians entrust police officers with an enormous amount of power, including the authority to detain a person and use force against them if necessary. But are officers being held to account if they abuse their power? That’s one of the fundamental questions posed by Calgary-born-and-raised filmmakers Marc Serpa Francoeur and Robinder Uppal in Above the Law, an eye-opening investigation into accountability, or lack thereof, in the Calgary Police Service. #CBCdocsPOV #AboveTheLaw"
That Bird Has My Wings (Book by Jarvis J. Masters)
This memoir talks about Jarvis Masters and the childhood that he grew up in, and how it eventually shapes the eventual life he ends up living. However, the truth is that Jarvis was incarcerated for a crime he did not commit- and Jarvis was failed by the systems that are put in place and ironically is still on death row.
Victim Blaming: The Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime
Victim blaming means that the people who are harmed by violent acts that often receive negative responses from their loved ones or by police. This article talks about the effects of victime blaming and the role of media.
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