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Youth and Students

This category encompasses a wide variety of resources available for youth and students, including mental health, racism, employment, justice, social justice activities, and youth activism.

6 Ways Young People Stepped Up to Make the World a Better Place in 2020

This article highlights some of the positive initiatives people under the age of 20 have contributed to the world.

Adolescent Data Portal

The Adolescent Data Portal features a focused selection of key indicators on Health and Nutrition, Education and Learning, Protection, and Transition to Work. Additional data on adolescents can be found throughout within the topical pages.

Alberta Youth Paper on the SDGs - 2022

This by-youth report provides an in-depth insight into youth engagement for global citizenship, including how educators, community organizations, and multi-level government actors can support Alberta youth in their global citizenship education and action.

Allied Youth NL

AY is a network of young people working to address barriers and issues in their communities while also developing their personal and professional goals.

Apathy is Boring

They create space for youth in decision-making roles. They support and encourage governments and institutions to do the same. They reach and activate unengaged youth. They recognize that systems of oppression affect youth’s ability to engage in democracy in different ways and don’t assume universal experiences.

BC Youth Society

Their mission is to allow youth to make connections with one another and discover their passions through opportunities, tips and resources! With executives across the globe, BCYS is a growing platform that encourages you to join them!

Ben Calf Robe Society

Children Are Sacred. Their work will strive to protect and enhance that sacredness by providing Aboriginal children and their families with holistic education, supportive social services, and programs of high quality and cultural relevance.

Broadway Neighbourhood Centre

The Broadway Neighbourhood Centre (BNC) Inc. is non-profit organization is committed to providing the West Broadway neighbourhood with diverse programs and services as a way of supporting youth, adults, and families in regards to education, crime-prevention, recreation, culture, and cognitive development.


BYTE – Empowering Youth Society is a “by youth, for youth” organization that focuses on empowering and promoting youth throughout the Yukon and Canada’s north.

Calgary Youth Justice

Calgary Youth Justice helps young people find their way through challenging life circumstances and sometimes poor choices that can hold them back from reaching their full potential.

Chantiers Jeunesse

They organize volunteer projects in different regions of Canada for young people between the ages of 15 and 30 and support Canadian participants placed in international projects (out of the more than 35 possible destinations in Europe, North America and Asia). Every year, 150 young volunteers get involved in different projects organized by Chantiers jeunesse.

Choices for Youth

Choices for Youth is a professional services, youth-focused, non-profit, charitable organization that creates spaces and conversations, and operates programs and social enterprises to help vulnerable youth secure stable housing, employment, and education while improving health and family stability.

DESTA Black Youth Network

DESTA was founded in 2006 with a mandate to focus on the employability needs of Black youth in Little Burgundy. An integrated strategy was adopted to address both systemic and personal barriers to employment, such as justice involvement, housing, and lack of resources.

Environmental Youth Alliance

The Environmental Youth Alliance is a registered charity supporting BIPOC youth to connect with nature, community, and skills to become environmental stewards and community leaders. They provide free land-based education and paid employment-training programs in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside.


Erase is all about building safe and caring school communities. This includes empowering students, parents, educators and the community partners who support them to get help with challenges, report concerns to schools, and learn about complex issues facing students.

Evaluation Capacity Network

Evaluation Capacity Network is a network of community partners, practitioners, researchers, and funders who serve the early childhood community through community-driven, culturally responsive, action oriented and equity-based evaluation capacity building opportunities, activities, and resources.

Fostering Change

First Call Child and Youth Advocacy Society is committed to convening and raising the voices of youth in and from care through the Fostering Change program. Policy change for youth is the result of collective self-advocacy, and many improvements are still needed to better support BC youth as they transition from care.

HeartWood Centre

They work directly with youth, adults, youth-serving organizations and broader communities and systems to increase capacity for youth engagement, community youth development and youth-led initiatives for positive community change.


Here2Talk is a free and confidential program that provides all students currently registered with a B.C. post-secondary school access to (multiple) single-session 24/7 mental health support and community referral services via the app, phone and web.


HomeBridge Youth Society serves risk youth between the ages of 12 and 18 years old in community settings through progressive therapeutic program opportunities.


They are making it easy to find, manage, and connect to volunteer opportunities for both students and organizations.

Inspire Nunavut

Inspire NunavutYouth and StudentsInspire Nunavut designs training programs for young entrepreneurs and leaders in Nunavut. Combining principles of social entrepreneurship and leadership with Inuit culture and values, Inspire Nunavut helps young people create solutions for their communities.


Katimavik’s mission is to develop diverse youth as engaged, caring citizens and capable contributors and leaders for a better Canada.

Kids Help Phone

Kids Help Phone is Canada’s only 24/7, national support service. They offer professional counselling, information and referrals and volunteer-led, text-based support to young people in both English and French.

Leave Out Violence - BC

LOVE supports youth to thrive through programs and healthy relationships that build emotional intelligence and help overcome the challenges they face.. Participants emerge from LOVE’s programs with greater resilience, heightened skills, and the confidence to be inspirational leaders.

Leave Out Violence - Nova Scotia

LOVE supports youth to thrive through programs and healthy relationships that build emotional intelligence and help overcome the challenges they face. Our participants emerge from LOVE’s programs with greater resilience, heightened skills, and the confidence to be leaders.

Leave Out Violence - Québec

LOVE supports youth to thrive through programs and healthy relationships that build emotional intelligence and help overcome the challenges they face. Our participants emerge from LOVE’s programs with greater resilience, heightened skills, and the confidence to be inspirational leaders.

Little Warriors

Little Warriors is a national charitable organization focused on the awareness, prevention and treatment of child sexual abuse.

Looking Forward Looking Forward is an interactive half-day workshop created for individuals working with youth aged 12 to 24.

Manitoba Environmental Youth Network

They are a group of young students from Winnipeg that believe climate change is a war we must all fight. It is time that our governments stop being idle about climate change. It is time we stop being idle about climate change. It is time for us to start doing something to fight it.

Native Council of Nova Scotia

This is youth outreach program that supports the holistic needs of pour Aboriginal youth province wide in realizing and achieving their goals when facing multiple challenges. This program assists youth in finding and utilizing the resources in partnership with community service providers to reduce barriers by offering several services

Northern Council for Global Cooperation

Northern Council for Global Cooperation was created out of the desire to build a network of northern Canadians who want to make a local and global impact towards a just, equitable and sustainable world by enhancing the capacity of our northern network, educating and inspiring Northerners to take action, and creating connections among Northern Canadians.

On Canada Project

Mobilizing Millennials and Gen Z to create equitable, evidence-informed change. They provide a platform for passionate young Canadians to take ownership of issues impacting themselves and the communities that they care about.

Pflag Canada

Pflag Canada is a national charitable organization, founded by parents who wished to help themselves and their family members understand and accept their LGBTQ2S children.


A comprehensive resource for educators with Fact Sheets and tools to support ongoing bullying prevention.

Pride Guide 2022: Youth Strategies for Tackling Gender-based Violence in Our Schools

The purpose of this guide is to present a collection of by-youth strategies that address some of the most common challenges in navigating the physical, psychological, and emotional spaces within high schools.

Project 10

Project 10 works to promote the personal, social, sexual and mental well being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, two-spirit, intersex and questioning (2LGBTQ+) youth and adults 14-25.

Qarjuit Youth Council

Qarjuit Youth Council (QYC) strives to be part of the solution in improving the lives of the youth from the ages of 15 to 35 in Nunavik and Chisasibi. By providing information, support and programs specifically designed by and for them, QYC aims to give youth the voice they deserve, in our modern society, bringing forward our cultural values is the core of our mission.

Rainbow Resource Youth Program

RRC offers 2SLGBTQ+ youth a fun, positive space to learn new skills, create projects, and celebrate our identities. Programming focuses on fostering resilience, increasing self-esteem and self-confidence while building social networks, contacts, and peer support.

Rainbow Youth

Rainbow Youth Centre provides comprehensive programming and activities aimed at helping young people prepare for the transition from adolescence to a healthy, productive, and independent adult lifestyle.

Reach Edmonton

REACH partners with organizations, businesses, community groups, and individual Edmontonians. We work together to initiate or support innovative and effective programs that promote crime prevention.


An initiative under Canada Service Corps, RISE helps young people co-create community projects and contribute to strengthening our civic and democratic fabric by engaging on topics that interest them.

Skills Canada NorthWest Territories

Skills Canada NWT is a registered charity with a mission to promote careers in skilled trades and technology to northern youth. They pursue this mission through community-based skills clubs, youth conferences, skills competitions, as well as other events focused on trades and technology.

Skills Canada PEI

Skills Canada PEI is a registered charity created in partnership with government, industry, educational and labour institutions. It is part of a larger national organization whose mandate is to encourage youth to consider skills and technology-based career options, which help fuel economic growth for the province and the country, while creating interesting and challenging employment opportunities for young Canadians.

S.U.C.C.E.S.S Youth Services

S.U.C.C.E.S.S. supports youth to achieve their goals by building their skills, connections, and confidence. Their strengths-based services are tailored to the unique and diverse experiences of youth, and promote positive relationships, community connections, as well as personal and leadership development.

T.A.N.G. Youth Program Youth programs with activities that include, ice breaking games, crafts, fun field-trips, interesting workshops, volunteering in the community, and much more!

Terra Centre

Terra Centre is a non-profit organization helping pregnant and parenting teens develop the self-reliance and skills to be successful parents.

The Consent Workshop

The Consent Workshop was formed after an online revolution asking sexual abuse survivors to voice their thoughts and name their abusers. It fosters important dialogues on cultural attitudes towards sex.

Urban Native Youth Association

Urban Native Youth Association is the centre of Indigenous youth excellence, supporting youth on their journeys by amplifying and celebrating their voices. Their Vision: Empowered Indigenous youth leading and inspiring all Nations.

Victoria Youth Empowerment Society

YES has grown from an agency which was primarily focused on street entrenched youth to an agency which provides prevention, intervention, treatment and education for youth, their families/caregivers and the broader community.

YEG The Come Up

The youth of the Africa Centre created a collective in September 2013 previously referred to as the Youth Empowerment Group, YEG.

Young Canadians Round Table on Health YCRH stives to create a world where youth can share and discuss concerns about their health and wellbeing and contribute to the development of initiatives that influence their community.

Youth Activism Is on the Rise Around the Globe, and Adults Should Pay Attention

Around the world children and youth are advocating and taking leadership roles in political and social justice issues. This article talks about the difference they can can make.

Youth Activist Checklist: Guidance on Digital Safety and Online Protection of Young People

The UN provides this guide in an effort to emply youth to know their rights, and stay safe from discrimination and privacy violations on Twitter.

Youth Empowerment and Support Services (YESS)

Based in Edmonton, Youth Empowerment and Support Services (YESS) provides immediate and low-barrier overnight and day shelter, temporary supportive housing, and individualized wrap-around support for young people aged 15–24.

Youth For Youth

They aspire to create a strong sense of belonging to the community so that all youth will feel a part of Québec society. In other words, English-speaking youth will have a vehicle to take a leadership role in their community, to inspire their peers to become involved and active members of society, to liaise with and engage the French-speaking community, and to mobilize the broader English-speaking community around issues that impact the community’s vitality.

Youth Friendly

Learn about education, training, jobs, volunteer, and opportunities for youth.

Youth in Canada

Youth Friendly, a consulting program under Apathy is Boring, collaborates with partners to drive social innovation by strategically and intentionally integrating diverse youth perspectives in their work and practices.

Youth Justice

Learn about the youth justice system and learn how the Government of Canada is working to ensure its fairness and effectiveness, and working to prevent youth crime.

Youth Parliament of Manitoba

The mission of YPM is foster amongst the youth of Manitoba an understanding of, interest in, and engagement with the Canadian democratic parliamentary process that would enable their active participation in society as responsible citizens. In so doing, YPM strives to encourage the growth of the individual and their abilities through their exposure to a diversity of ideas and perspectives and the fellowship of their peers.

Youth Programs - Ocean Wise

Ocean Bridge and YouthToSea connects Canadian youth from coast-to-coast-to-coast empowering them with life and professional skills, supporting lasting civic engagement essential for our oceans to remain healthy and flourishing for generations to come.

Youth Project

Their mission is to make Nova Scotia a safer, healthier, and happier place for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth through support, education, resource expansion and community development.

Youth Research and Evaluation Exchange

They create and curate evidence-based resources to support youth work practice, and to amplify the voices and experiences of young people in Ontario.

Youth Restorative Action Project

YRAP strives to bring about positive outcomes for those affected by criminal activity. YRAP aims to create meaningful consequences that are educational and rehabilitative rather than punitive.

Youth Toolkit to End Online Gender-based Violence

The Youth Guide to End Gender-Based Violence toolkit aims to be an actionable learning and knowledge product for youth, survivors of Online Gender-Based Violence (OGBV), anyone interested in learning and taking action against OGBV.

Zebra Centre

Edmonton’s Zebra Child & Youth Advocacy Centre supports children and youth who have experienced abuse. Professionals support children throughout the entire disclosure, investigative, judicial and healing process.

Read, Watch, & Learn

8 Black Hands(Podcast)

8 Black Hands is a podcast focused on seeking justice and equality for the 8 million black children in schools in America. Not only do they discuss issues in the education system, but they also discuss Black culture, and educate their listeners on the rich history of African Americans. This is a great podcast that uses comedy to highlight issues facing the black community, and engages it's listeners.

The Other Wes Moore: One Name, Two Fates (Book by Wes Moore)

This memoir talks about two kids that grew up in the same city, but led two entirely different lives. The memoir talks about the story of the two boys as they develop a penpal-like relationship after the other Wes Moore was served a life sentence in prison.

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© Canada Confesses 2023

Land Affirmation: While our project resides on the internet, our volunteers operate from different provinces and territories in Canada. We acknowledge and honour the First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples who own the lands we are privileged to call home. We celebrate Indigenous sovereignty and support the 94 recommendations from the Truth & Reconciliation Commission (TRC). We recognize our role in reconciliation and commit to tackling ongoing systemic injustices.

The information provided on this website is for general informational and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional or legal advice. Before taking any actions based on any information or resources provided, we encourage you to consult with the appropriate professionals. Please read our full confidentiality agreement here.

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